
Friday, August 6, 2021


 As I hear a yell from downstairs to get ready and shower ,as soon as I heard that yell I knew that was my dad I felt so angry and frustrated.As im in the car with him he told me a lesson to be careful and you can do it but my stupid self decided to not listen

And play music that made me calm and comfortable on my way to school,I got there and my friends were waiting to tell me that they were going to a tournament and I said oh ok I’ll go get changed but I heard that I didn’t make it to the tournament I was about to go and just 


  1. Kia ora Adoration.
    This is my first time on your blog I think. I'm just wondering, was this an example of a writing task you had to do? At the end you left me wondering what exactly you were just about to go and do.
    Next time, check your writing to make sure the punctuation helps it to make sense before you publish it. It would also be good to know what the task was about.

  2. kia ora Blogger of the week
    first time on here anyway
    i was wondering if u made it on time bc can't be late for this very inportant
    Next step: your full stops!
    Haere rā

  3. Hey Adoration olivia Here
    I really like your writing
    I like that you made it interesting
    maybe next time add full stops

  4. Hi Adoration, I'm also a first time visitor. Now, I feel like you needed an intro and an outro. So as to give us the reader an idea about what this activity is/was about.I would like to know how it will end... so perhaps you could come back to this and finish it with gusto. What do you think? I feel like there is a connecting sentence missing between the two paragraphs, is there?Stay awesome and be kind.
